« A stranger to any denominational formalism as well as to any allegedly racial solidarity, I have felt during my entire life, above all and very simply French. Attached to my homeland by an already long family tradition, nourished by its spiritual heritage and its history, unable in truth to be able to conceive of another where I can breathe at ease, I have loved it very much and served it with all my heart. strengths. I have never felt that my Jewish status put any obstacle in the way of these feelings. During the two wars, it was not given to me to die for France. at least, in all sincerity, I can give myself this testimony: I die, as I lived, as a good Frenchman. »
Marc BLOCH (1886-1944), ENS Ulm alumni (Elitist French University), polyglot, University professor, ‘Franc-Tireur’ resistance leader in Lyons, tortured by nazi Klaus Barbie, shot with 29 other resisters in St-Didier-sur-Formans, France, on June 16th juin 1944, 10 days after D-Day
« February 20 of that year (1933) was not a date like any other .. They were twenty-four .. Shadows enter the hall of the President of the Assembly’s palace .. Around the table are gathered Gustav Krupp, Albert Vögler, Günther Quandt, Friedrich Flick, Ernst Tengelmann, Fritz Springorum, August Rosberg, Ernst Brandi, Karl Büren, Günther Heubel, Georg von Schnitzler, Hugo Stinnes Jr, Eduard Schulte, Ludwig von Winterfeld, Wolf-Dietrich von Witzleben , Wolfgang Reuter, August Diehn, Erich Fickler, Hans von Loewenstein zu Loewenstein, Ludwig Grauert, Kurt Schmitt, August von Finck (1898-1980, Nazi banker Merck, Finck & Co, took advantage of the war to buy 2 Jewish banks, fortune son August Jr, € 8bn in 2020) and Dr. Stein (1986-1967, doctor, race theory, Nazi) .. Suddenly the doors creak .. The twenty-four lizards get up on their hind legs and stand up straight . Hjalmar Schacht swallows back his saliva. And finally, the President of the Reichstag enters the room smiling; it’s Hermann Goering .. he purred a few words of welcome and immediately referred to the upcoming elections, those of March 5 (1933) .. ”We must put an end to the instability of the regime (Weimar Republic). And, if the Nazi Party gets the majority, Goering adds, these elections will be the last for the next ten years .. « .. At the same time, the new chancellor entered .. Hitler was smiling, relaxed .. They listened .. When Hitler had finished, Gustav (Krupp) stood up .. and, on behalf of all the guests, he thanked him .. Goering spoke .. « to campaign, you needed money » .. Hjalmar Schacht (1877 -1970, Pt Reichsbank, Min. Fin. and Advisor Hitler 1933-1943, same mustache as Hitler) stood up, smiled at the assembly and said: « And now, gentlemen, to the cash register! » ».. Gustav Krupp donated a million, Georg von Schnizler four hundred thousand (RM), and we thus collected a tidy sum .. the twenty-four.. are called BASF, BAYER, Agfa, SIEMENS , Krupp, Allianz, Telefunken .. like twenty four calculating machines at the gates of Hell »
Extract of Prix Goncourt 2017 « L’ordre du jour » by Eric Vuillard.
Forgive those rather lengthy quotes in the preamble, but they seemed necessary to me.
Indeed, these 24 German industrial and financial leaders not only helped Hitler come to power. They collaborated heavily with the Nazi war machine and supplied Zyklon B gas, which killed more than 6 million Jews and other victims in the gas chambers. Worse, they used as slaves more than 700,000 deportees in their factories and medical centers, in often inhuman conditions.
Conversely, Marc Bloch, a great professor and historian, could have fled with his family to Spain or the USA. No, he preferred to fight for France until the end, in his case, until death, in the hands of Klaus Barbie, in Lyon.
But humans have the annoying habit of repeating mistakes made decades or centuries earlier, through ignorance of their history.
And, what they do not know, alas, is that history in its broad outline is made only by a few, courageous, who rose up against the Nazis in 1940, like Churchill and De Gaulle. (call of June 18, 1940 from London) or those who submit, such as Chamberlain (PM UK) and Daladier (PM France) in 1938 in Munich. Or worse, who finance the Nazi Party, like these twenty-four leaders on February 20, 1933, in Berlin.
The companions of the Liberation are 1,061, i.e. 1,038 natural persons, 5 municipalities (including Nantes and Grenoble) and 18 combatant units, which in fact represents thousands of French and foreigners (of 25 nationalities) who fought for France during the 2nd world War. In fact, more than 100,000 resistance fighters rose up and took action, and those who protected or hid refugees or Jews, risking their lives, were even more numerous.
Today, faced with an EARTH attacked from all sides by armies of polluters, conveyed or not, and by millions of tons of plastics, a few million human beings stood up and said: Enough! More than 15 million walked in the streets of large towns on Earth during the FFF, Fridays For Future, initiated by Greta Thunberg.
And they need a lot of courage, these young people, these actors in the field, or each of the entrepreneurs who engage, in the face of the weight of habits, the jeers and the discrediting or demonizing campaigns carried out against scientists by Monsanto. , BAYER, Syngenta, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi, Exxon, SHELL (leaks in 2004-2007 in Nigeria Atlantic delta, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NxLooQPOMA), BP (Deepwater Horizon oil leak, 2010, 1mt oil spilled in Gulf of Mexico, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIlp4_9ZlZc), Amoco (now a BP subsidiary, Shipwreck and oil spill in Brittany, France, 1974) and many other global groups polluting or destroying lives by the millions (atmospheric pollution) or by the billions (insects, birds, small mammals, phytoplankton..).
Explosion de la plateforme pétrolière Deepwater Horizon En 2010, la plateforme pétrolière Deepwater Horizon située dans le Golfe du Mexique a explosé et brûlé avant de couler deux jours plus tard, impliquant de nombreuses conséquences humaines et environnementales. Plus d’informations : http://www.nationalgeographic.fr/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NatGeoFrance/ Instagram : https://www … www.youtube.com |
Nigeria farmers win 13 year battle with Shell Four Nigerian farmers who accused Shell of pipeline leaks that destroyed their farms in the Delta have won their 13 year battle in a Dutch court. An appeal court in the Netherlands ruled that the oil giant should pay compensation for leaks from a pipeline in the Niger Delta which covered an area equal to 60 football pitches. Sky’s Ivor Bennett … www.youtube.com |
However, to know how to contain pollution, and the effects of pollution and the destruction of animal and human species (first peoples living in the Amazonian, African, Indonesian, Malaysian, Borneo, Siberian forests, etc.), you need to know who the polluters in CO2, CH4 and chemicals are.
The 15 largest CO2 polluting countries are (2017-2020 CO2 mt, according to available figures and % of CO2 world emission), i.e. around 75% of CO2 emissions for the first 8 countries :
1/ China 12,5 mt CO2 (30%)
2/ USA 6 mt (16%)
3/ India 3mt (8%)
4/ Brasil 2,8mt (7%)
5/ Russia 2,5 mt (6%)
6/ Japan 1,5 mt (4%)
7/ Canada 1,1mt (2,4%)
8/ Germany 1mt (2,2%)
9/ Australia 2%
10/ South Korea 675.000t (1,8%)
11/ Indonesia 670.000t (1,78%)
12/ Iran 1,75%
13/ Saudi Arabia 1,75%
14/ RD. Congo 1,69%
15/ Mexico 1,5%
Next comes the UK in 16th position, which is currently hosting COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland.
What are the most polluting and most dangerous industries for the survival of the EARTH and the Terrans?
** Coal and lignite mining (fine dust dangerous for the lungs & carcinogens, in addition to GHGs).
** Oil and gas exploration.
** agro-chemical industries (pesticides, herbicides, indiscriminately killing billions of pollinating insects, birds and bats).
** chemical industries (contamination of soil and groundwater, becoming unfit for human or animal consumption).
** textile industries and dye industries.
** plastic industries.
** concrete (overexploitation of sand & gravel, which weakens river ecosystems and coasts) and all construction industries (road bitumen, glass, steel, aluminum, tiles, linoleum, carpets, weight of materials transported and modes of transport , etc).
** blast furnaces and metallurgical industries.
** palm oil (destruction of forests), corn (water) and soy industries (Amazonia being deforested, with heavy CO2 consequences).
** non-restorative mining industries (eg: bituminous oil extraction, with forest felling, without new plantings and monitoring, gold extraction with mercury, without mercury filtering / recovery and discharge into rivers and oceans).
** automotive, maritime (and tank bottom degassing) and air industries, with discharges of heavy carcinogenic and GHG pollutants, and metals used in chemical batteries.
** transport, and in particular diesel locomotives (USA, Australia, etc.), heavy fuel oil freighters, fuel oil trucks, jumbo planes taking off and landing.
** massive road transport, automobile pollution, with triple pollution 1 / noise, 2 / chemical (CO2 and other GHGs) and 3 / local pollution (respiratory diseases).
** coal, oil and gas thermal stations and all non-sustainable fossil fuel heating installations.
** military transport (yes, wars are bad for the climate).
Let us summarize what costs the most to our Mother EARTH (Pachamama in the Andean cosmogony) and to human ecosystems.
** accelerate and brake (land and sea vehicles).
** take off and land (aviation and aerospace).
** heating furnaces, thermal power stations or boilers, duration of the rise and heating.
** waste heating and fuel due to lack of insulation (construction, all public and private buildings, hospitals, etc.).
** make empty transports (cars, trucks, freighters, planes, boats, trains).
** waste and not recycle: concrete, plastics, textiles, furniture, toys, electronics.
** any mortality or endangerment of pollinators (bees, insects, birds, bats, small mammals).
** any endangerment of groundwater and the level of rivers, streams and streams (melting glaciers and snow, absent or sudden rains).
** all sudden variations in temperature and drought, forest fires (with massive rejection of CO2 from fires into the atmosphere).
** all earthquakes linked to massive injections of liquids into rocks (shale gas) or brutal mining (explosions and destabilization of the equilibrium of rocks and water tables or basement structures).
** ocean pollution (endangering ice floes, the Arctic, Antarctica and marine mammals).
** ocean warming (volumes of melting ice, expansion of water particles, hurricanes and typhoons, rising water levels, flooding of coastal cities and the Atlantic and Pacific plains).
However, the decrease in the volumes of the Himalayan glaciers, and therefore of meltwater, due to global warming of human origin, has already lowered the volume of Chinese dams and therefore the production of blue hydroelectric energy. of China between 2010 and 2020.
And wind and solar power production is hampered by the drop in winds and the current of the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic, but also by the weakness of submarine cables or high-power energy highways between regions (USA, Indonesian archipelago, Russia and so on), between countries (EU, Africa and so on), and from places of production to places of consumption, but especially on their unavailability at night and often 50% to 75% of the time, due to climatic hazards.
Which solutions for Mother EARTH ?
** Simple principle of Polluters paying for their Pollution payeur, à acter ento become law in Europe and in all countries to make all actors responsible.
** International Market of CO2 and CH4 to build, boost & accelerate in trading, with a rapid growth of CO2 credits to deter pollution and motivate all industrials to quickly reduce their CO2 and CH4 footprints before 2030 or latest 2040.
** Interconnect as a Top Priority all energy producers to fluidize energy availibility everywhere (except in villages where solar or BioGas are the best solutions) and prevent loss of massive Green energy production, due to lack of batteries or solutions to reuse them later on, as they are not used immediately. Energize the international mlarket of energies and share ressources.
** Forbid burning torches on all gas and oil fields.
** Filter 100% of all pollutants CO2 and other gases, toxic fumes and toxic byproducts sent to rivers or oceans, with heavy controls and fines to make pollution too costly and prevent it.
** Transfer 30% to 40% of all road transports towards rail, river and cycling transports or any low CO2 solution (especially, urban local deliveries, such as French start-up K_Ryole, a supplier to French postal services, Bouygues, Monoprix).
** Grow Agroforestry solutions on all farms, with a potential of 500 to 50,000 trees per farm and millions of farms and cooperatives turning to trees with 3 growth factors 1/ Better productions 2/ Growth of millions of trees and their CO2 storage 3/ Bring shades and protection on ecosystems and livestock .
** Energize agricultural and forest biotechnologies and aim at enriching soils with vertuous bacteria as does the French start-up BioIntrant, with brilliant researchers with over 30 years of research experience. Invest in BioTech start-ups (banks, insurance companies, business angels).
** REFOREST with varied plants chosen by agronomists in Brasil (Amazonia), Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Borneo, Asia, Africa, America.
Life in Syntropy Visit our channel on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/channels/agendagotsch « Life in Syntropy » is the new short film from Agenda Gotsch made specially to be presented at COP21 – Paris. This film put together some of the most remarkable experiences in Syntropic Agriculture, with brand new images and interviews. « Vida em Sintropia » é o novo curta do … www.youtube.com |
** Multiply by 10 BioGas produced by livestock and farmers and recycle the méthanogenic sludge (French start-ups such as Valogreen, NENUFAR).
** Accelerate all new energy technologies including heat pumps, thermical différentials, tidal turbines, green fuel producing algae.
** Relaunch nuclear power secured stations to have 24/7 available energies to face the fast growing electric vehicle fleets.
** Accelerate research into nuclear fusion, which could produce> 10% of the world’s electricity by 2035 or 2050 at the latest.
You are all welcome to comment and propose adding new complementary sources to this article aiming at SOLUTIONS, with a priority to filed solutions and not pure TV, radio or blabla theories.
François VALLET, ESCP EUROPE Paris-Oxford-Berlin, multilingual speaker, coach in start-ups and mid-size companies in their marketing & international growth, bilingual publisher (French, English).
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